Wednesday, December 31, 2008

TATA Indica 10yrs, Maruti 800 25 yrs : Anniversary

When we say TATA Indica we realize a car which had earlier put Indian automobile on global map, a car which had brought faith in Indian engineering, a car stand up against global competition, a car who build business from nothing to ten thousand crore, a car which improved quality of life for nearly a million, a car which laid the foundation of world's most awaited automobile. This is what TATA is conveying to Indian customer on 10th Anniversary of TATA Indica.

Mostly at anniversary what company do is give some discount or something like that so that they can retain customer loyalty or get the consumer confidence which in other words we say PR(Public Relation).

TATA motors what they have done in this initiative that they have tried to touch consumer heart with some beautiful cotes and by offering their bread & butter model TATA Indica Limited addition. This I feel is very innovative way to not only get consumer focus on Indica history of being one of the top selling model but also help in building strong image of Indica in consumer mind. this will by no doubt will definitely help in improving sales.

On the other side similar type of occasion was for Maruti Suzuki when they finished their Maruti-800 25 yrs of existence. The ad which company advertise was as under:

Here the ads objective is to tell company about how throughout the years Maruti had been committed to good quality, good services, different products for different segments and now when they are leader in India still what matters is to them earlier and now is "Commitment to its customers"

The differentiation between the two ads is the extra gift which TATA is offering to customer i.e. TATA Indica Limited edition. Both ads had clearly conveyed how these companies had grown and what extra they have brought up to society but in the end what matters is what are you going to offer to your customer on this anniversary. It can be any thing not just few line indicating about their achievements. Customers wants something different.

However Maruti did offered some discount but then my friend who is going to convey this to your customer. Even if you did informed through other channel or media I can not see its reach.

But as if now between these two ads I think the best PR activity goes to TATA Indica. :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

SpiceJet Airline AD

Aviation Industry which was looking promising in 2007-2008 as aviation sector of India moved to 9th position form 12th position in 2006. Growth for the period was 45% in domestic traffic and 15% in International traffic but all of a sudden airlines hit by a turbulent patch when Jet fuel price moved to Rs.71,028.26 per kilo liter in August 2008. Most of the airlines were effected by this however good news for India was non of the airline file bankruptcy where 31 airlines have gone bankrupt across world wide.

The cost of Jet fuel has fallen to over 50% since then(August). Rs.32,691.28 per kilo liter in September 2008. As a result many airlines reduced their fare, straight away passing benefit to consumer. (some links for same are as below)
[Slash in price news]
Air India
Jet Airways

Here is Ad of SpiceJet Airline

Now though these links are for the major players and low cost airline not got that coverage and it is very necessary to convey this to your consumer. I think it was wise enough for spice to advertise and let the consumer know that there own low cost carrier is back in action with basic fair starting from Rs.99

Where there is news of slash in 10-80% rough around on different routs by different airlines but then what is important is to convey it to consumer and SpiceJet taking initiative by advertising is good move.

what you all say???

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Which laptop to buy? This question always arises in consumer mind whenever he/she intend to purchase Laptop. The first thing consume do is gather some information from friends, website or any ad which they have come across in few days. Here are the prints ads from SAMSUNG, DELL & LG for their laptops.

While reading T.O.I. I came across ad of LG, clearly positioning itself as stylish and good looking as usual . But then within last few days I came across ads from DELL & Samsung as well and the first question which came in my mind was which one is better. Let suppose I am going to purchase laptop for the first time and I don't have much of the information then which Ad can really influence me.

Now lets talk about LG Ad first:
  • Stressing on look with style statement "beautiful inside out"
  • 2 year warranty
  • Nice pic to highlighting the positioning.

  • Stressing on different variants of colours available
  • Positioned as a laptop which is unique among all available in market -"yours is vivid "

  • Highlighting needs which can be fulfilled with the laptop and with Samsung Laptop you can experience all of them - "Live 360"
  • Stylish pic of Laptop
  • 1 year warranty
  • mentioned different series of laptop available

Now among the ads which we have seen above I believe that Samsung has not been able to positioned its self properly. Yes! It has been able to differentiate but the thing is as far as I know any laptop buyer knows for what all purpose can be used so there is no need for highlighting it and it does not make any sense to positioned laptop as 360. Today consumer is information savvy and they know for what all purpose laptop can be used, so need of mentioning and no need of making consumer realize their need. LG and Dell are focusing on the look of the laptop because in the end look does matter.

LG has not only has positioned itself properly but is also offering 2 year warranty which I think will definitely help in gaining consumer confidence. Apart from this is we all know that Dell is very well renowned brand and it doesn't need to focus on quality. So in the end the fight can be between LG & Dell if we have to consider these 3 ads only. However I doesn't mean that Samsung is totally out of focus. But the company should understand in the end style does matter and their ads headline/sub-headline/punch line doesn't indicate any of these.

hope i am correct .....!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

TATA Indigo, FORD Ikon

Here is the Advertisement of FORD Ikon & TATA Indigo.

See the difference between the two ads. Both target audience seams to be same. where we have seen TVC of Indigo clearly stating "in the end style does matter" but here in print ad i don't find any similarity in the ad message of TVC and print ad. However that's not the point i want to discuss. Here i want your attention towards the difference between the creative approach between the two ads, in which i feel Ford Ikon ad has overwhelm the Tata Indico ad.

The Ikon ad shows the informal mirror of the man in the formal clearly positioning car for youngster and who is looking stylish good performance car with tag line "Sensible Bhi, Crazy Bhi" which i feel is very creative approach to put your message. Where as ad of TATA Indigo seems to be too ordinary which i don't think is good enough to break the clutter. However their TVC is really good.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Here is the print ad of PAJERO.

Now what i see here is that even though this Ad is absolutely amazing having a good tag line "Tame the outdoors with the power of 4x4" with a absolutely fascinating pic of car but there is something very wrong in it. What i see is that the final finish is not there. Just see the header and footer where you will see logo of Hindustan Motors & Mitsubishi Motors and contacts of the dealers in Delhi. Now here the header & footer background is not contrasting with the pic and due to white colour which is of newspaper, when u see this ad in newspaper the header & footer is not looking part of this Ad.

What i mean from above is that the Ad should look complete as a whole and should not lost its part due to nearby surrounding.

Just se the Ad of Audi under and you will understand what i mean to say.