Saturday, December 27, 2008


Which laptop to buy? This question always arises in consumer mind whenever he/she intend to purchase Laptop. The first thing consume do is gather some information from friends, website or any ad which they have come across in few days. Here are the prints ads from SAMSUNG, DELL & LG for their laptops.

While reading T.O.I. I came across ad of LG, clearly positioning itself as stylish and good looking as usual . But then within last few days I came across ads from DELL & Samsung as well and the first question which came in my mind was which one is better. Let suppose I am going to purchase laptop for the first time and I don't have much of the information then which Ad can really influence me.

Now lets talk about LG Ad first:
  • Stressing on look with style statement "beautiful inside out"
  • 2 year warranty
  • Nice pic to highlighting the positioning.

  • Stressing on different variants of colours available
  • Positioned as a laptop which is unique among all available in market -"yours is vivid "

  • Highlighting needs which can be fulfilled with the laptop and with Samsung Laptop you can experience all of them - "Live 360"
  • Stylish pic of Laptop
  • 1 year warranty
  • mentioned different series of laptop available

Now among the ads which we have seen above I believe that Samsung has not been able to positioned its self properly. Yes! It has been able to differentiate but the thing is as far as I know any laptop buyer knows for what all purpose can be used so there is no need for highlighting it and it does not make any sense to positioned laptop as 360. Today consumer is information savvy and they know for what all purpose laptop can be used, so need of mentioning and no need of making consumer realize their need. LG and Dell are focusing on the look of the laptop because in the end look does matter.

LG has not only has positioned itself properly but is also offering 2 year warranty which I think will definitely help in gaining consumer confidence. Apart from this is we all know that Dell is very well renowned brand and it doesn't need to focus on quality. So in the end the fight can be between LG & Dell if we have to consider these 3 ads only. However I doesn't mean that Samsung is totally out of focus. But the company should understand in the end style does matter and their ads headline/sub-headline/punch line doesn't indicate any of these.

hope i am correct .....!!!

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