Saturday, November 15, 2008


Here is the print ad of PAJERO.

Now what i see here is that even though this Ad is absolutely amazing having a good tag line "Tame the outdoors with the power of 4x4" with a absolutely fascinating pic of car but there is something very wrong in it. What i see is that the final finish is not there. Just see the header and footer where you will see logo of Hindustan Motors & Mitsubishi Motors and contacts of the dealers in Delhi. Now here the header & footer background is not contrasting with the pic and due to white colour which is of newspaper, when u see this ad in newspaper the header & footer is not looking part of this Ad.

What i mean from above is that the Ad should look complete as a whole and should not lost its part due to nearby surrounding.

Just se the Ad of Audi under and you will understand what i mean to say.

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