Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Airline Customer Segmentation

Segmentation can be done on basis of consumer like Corporate, Institutional or General public. When advertising in TOI(pg 3) we can conclude that they have chosen their segment as General public.

Now lets discuss target audience for Kingfisher and SpiceJet based on their ads.


Targeting: One time flyer i.e. those who do not travel regularly.
Positioning: Low cost Indian airline.

Reason : SpiceJet have come up with concept of Happy Hour where you can get 1 free ticket on purchase of a ticket. This offer is applicable on all sectors on the SpiceJet network till 24th October ‘09. But there is limited inventory only for 2 days and which clearly show that they are targeting people who are going to travel in near future and have pre-planed travel.

Kingfisher Airline:

Targeting: Frequent flyer
Positioning: Premium Service airline

Reason: Just by the scheme we can predict that they are targeting frequent flyer.

Important: This STP is on basis of these two ads only. May be there are some more ad targeting different sets of consumer. So you never know whats next.

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