Saturday, February 7, 2009

IBM joins Green Premier League

"While most people think of energy conservation from a hardware perspective, increasingly it is actually software that is providing more options to go green across the entire organization." says Al Zollar, general manager, Tivoli Software, IBM (source).

With today’s market realities—rising energy costs; shrinking power and space capacity; increased regulatory regulatory scrutiny; and higher customer expectations—going green is not only socially responsible, it’s an economic imperative. Traditional green IT strategies have focused on the data center alone, which accounts for only2% of global CO2 emissions.

IBM "Software for a Greener World" help businesses
  1. Maximize energy efficiency
  2. Reduce costs associated with power and cooling


Here is link for IBM green commercials and down is the print ad of IBM green.

In their (IBM) advertisement company has used little animated critters. The good thing is to notice that slowly marketer are moving towards animated ad. While IBM have same ad through out globe but even if we isolated IBM ad form Indian market still we have many ads using animation critters.

Before animation ads were only present in children segment ads but now slowly and gradually trend is changing following are few link for animation ads in India.

Ads in Children Segment:

Ads for mass marketing:

1 comment:

Mary said...

Really interesting Will — thank you for this offers their advertisers the unique ability to drive the radio advertising price down to your unique business metrics. Advertising has taken a momentous turn with pay per action advertising.