Sunday, August 19, 2007



After Top Raman its ITC product PASTS from Sunfeast who will try to take over the Nestlai product Maggi. As per as the history which I have got about Pasta, oh! Remember I am only concerned with its origin. Pasta is an Italian dish however there has always been confusion that whether Pasta origin is from China or is it of Italy itself. Chinese noodles are said to be 1000 year old and is believed that pasta is result of migration of people from China to Italy where this dish was named as Pasta. The world "pasta" probably takes its origin from the Greek word which means "flour mixed with liquid". Later on it became an italic dish, which the ancient Romans called "lagano"

Italian Pasta :
Experts in nutrition suggest eating at least 100g of pasta daily because in this way, it provides the body with 14% to 18% of its energetic needs. It has been clinically proved that pasta reduces the cholesterol grade in blood . Pasta, moderately spiced, can also be included in slimming diets. In fact, increasing the volume during cooking causes problems in keeping calories to the allowed limits.

Sunfeast Pasta Treat :
ITC product Pasta Treat from Sunfeast was launched on 03/07/05, a convenient and healthy instant snack option. Sunfeast Pasta Treat, India's first instant Pasta with sauce maker inside, earmarks the division's foray into the ready to cook instant snacks category. Made from Durum Hi-Protein Wheat, Sunfeast Pasta Treat presents a ready-to-cook healthy snack option for the evolving tastes of the Indian consumers.
Research conducted by ITC shows that mothers nowadays are looking for newer and innovative evening snack options for their children. Pasta is gaining popularity in the Indian market. Research also indicates that women are aware about Pasta but find the cooking process of Pasta tedious and cumbersome. ITC's innovative instant Pasta offering - Sunfeast Pasta Treat thus offers a unique solution for the Indian palates.
Marketing Strategy :
ITC Limited - Foods Division, being at the forefront of product development and innovation introduced "Sunfeast Pasta Treat" after months of product research and development to ensure an innovative & exciting pasta experience.
Just as they did in case of Bingo where diversified Indian market had different requirement such as in Bengal, Gujarat and other regions which result in launching bingo in 10 different flavors, whereas if we see Sunfeast Pasta after success of previous flavours- Masala, Tomato & Cheese, Sour Cream Onion and Cheese economically priced at Rs. 12/- for the Masala Flavour and Rs.15/- for other flavours the instant Pasta range has been extended with two new exciting flavours – ‘Pizza’ and ‘Chicken’. The pasta segment is further expanded with the launch of 'Sunfeast Benne Vita' in 4 innovative variants.
Also Sunfeast Pasta Treat is packed in vibrant coloured packs, with distinctive graphics and descriptions conveying the health proposition of Durum Wheat and at the same time maintaining the consistent look of the umbrella brand Sunfeast. Sunfeast Pasta Treat is available in 83 gms packs including a 15 gm saucemaker - an innovative and exciting snacking proposition from ITC Foods Stables.

Difference between
At first I tried to find out what is basic difference between noodles & pasta and I found only two difference
1. Noodles is Chinese dish where as Pasta is Italian
2. Noodle is nothing but Pasta and Pasta is nothing but Noodle.
I hope by now you must have got an idea that I haven’t got any relevant difference but if some buddy knows then they can definitely tell me.
Sunfeast Pasta is competing with Maggi noodles whose brand is so popular that no buddy is interested to leave its 2 min. ready maggi noodles. However with the right strategy Sunfeast has proved it wrong and is continuously increasing its market share.

sources available on request.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

AUDI the Luxury car

Audi is one of the most famous car manufacturing company in the world. It is a German based company and it is also one of the oldest car manufacturing company of Germany. Audi was established by August Horch in 1909. The name came from the Latin Translation of the word Horch, which in German meant 'listen'. However, the official Emblem of Audi changed from 1932. It became four rings. The reason behind it being the merging of four different companies together under one name "AUDI". The four different countries were DKW, Horch, Wanderer and NSU.Audi India is a part of the Audi Group. After having created a strong base in China, Audi's next Asian dream is to have a string base in India too. Audi has analyzed the Indian market and wants to have a firm grip on the Indian market as well. Right now Audi has three dealers in India and they are located in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

In the Asia-Pacific region, Audi recorded sales of around 65,800 vehicles in the first six months of the year, a rise of 21.6 percent (2006: 54,110). In India, where Audi set up a new National Sales Company in March this year, sales increased by 48.2 percent (206 vehicles; 2006: 139) over the first six months, and by 15.4 percent in June (30 vehicles; 2006: 26).

Market Statistics
The dazzling array of luxury goods available today is clearly catering to the growing number of Indians who are enjoying unprecedented level of affluence. Statistics show that in 2001-2002 there were 20,000 families in India with annual income of more than Rs 1 crore .By 2005 ,that number has increased to 53,000 families and by 2010 ,India will have an astounding 1,40,000 millionaires

Growing affluent Population
India is still a niche market for luxury products, but it is one that is growing fast and producing aspiration life styles In terms of population percentage, it may seen minuscule. The seriously rich and affluent represent just 1 per cent of the entire population, but with a base of one billion people, it still adds up to 10 million high end customers, a substantial number in any market.

Scope of Audi in India
It is a sign of what economic liberalization has done for millions of Indians. Sure, there are abysmal and shameful levels of poverty and India is still very much a Third world country in many respects. Yet, at the same time, country’s economic growth in the last decade, along with China's has been the envy of the world.